% size of each node
% node style definition
\tikzstyle{block} = [
draw, fill=black!10, rectangle,
minimum height=\sz, minimum width=\sz ];
\tikzstyle{plain} = [draw=none,fill=none];
% array element definition
%\def\x{0}; % x pos of arr
%\def\y{0}; % y pos of arr
\node[plain] { A };
\foreach \item in \arr
\node[block] at (\theind*\sz,0) { \item };
\node[plain] at (\theind*\sz,0.7) { \theind };
\def\arr{} 부분만 바뀌면 저런 그림이 생성된다.
이번에는 조금 다른거...
% size of each node
% node style definition
\tikzstyle{block} = [
draw, fill=black!10, rectangle,
minimum height=\sz, minimum width=\sz ];
\tikzstyle{dblock} = [
draw, fill=black!40, rectangle,
minimum height=\sz, minimum width=\sz ];
\tikzstyle{plain} = [draw=none,fill=none];
% array element definition
%\def\y{2}; % y pos of arr
%\node[plain] at (0,\y) { A };
%\foreach \item in \arra
% \addtocounter{ind}{1};
% \node[block] at (\theind*\sz,\y+0) { \item };
% \node[plain] at (\theind*\sz,\y+0.7) { \theind };
% array element definition
\def\arrb {1,2,3,4,5,2,7,3,9,10,11};
\def\y{0}; % y pos of arr
\node[plain] at (0,\y) { B };
\foreach \item in \arrb
\node[block] at (\theind*\sz,\y+0) { \item };
\node[plain] at (\theind*\sz,\y+0.7) { \theind };
\def\y{-2}; % y pos of arr
\node[plain] at (0,\y) { C };
\foreach \item in \arrc
\node[block] at (\theind*\sz,\y+0) { \item };
\node[plain] at (\theind*\sz,\y+0.7) { \theindx };
% draw darker box over hidden node.
\foreach \item in \black
\node[dblock] at (\item*\sz,0) {};
미완성이다가 점점 차가는 array를 그려주는 코드... -_-;;;