IP/Host name 수정
Changing the IP on Solaris 10 requires editing two files:
1. /etc/hosts
2. /etc/inet/ipnodes
If you are changing network address, you will need to change the router address in the file:
1. /etc/defaultrouter
Changing the hostname now only requires editing these files:
1. /etc/hosts
2. /etc/nodename
3. /etc/hostname.<interface name>
<interface name> is the driver name followed by the instance number of the interface. ie. hme0, bge0, ce0, qfe0
You can find all your network interfaces by drivername and instance# by running the following command: prtconf -D | grep network
Note: the following hosts files are no longer used in solaris 10.
Rebooting thecomputershould bring up the new ip and hostname.