윈도우에서 konsole 쓰기
윈도우 tip인지 *nix 팁인지 -_-;;
여기서 발견함:
를 cygwin setup.exe에 미러로 추가하고 여기서 KDE 패키지를 원하는대로 설치하면 된다는 뜻.
Konsole on Windows Update
In somepreviousarticlesI talked about some ofmy fun times getting konsole running underkde-cygwin.
As an update, I've now installed cygwin anew and instead of using the convolutedkde-cygwin installation process, I discoveredCygwin Ports. The Cygwin Ports project has nowadded KDE packages to their repository. By simply adding the Cygwin Ports repository:ftp://sunsite.dk/projects/cygwinportsto your Cygwin installer's mirror list, you can install any of the cygwin ports, includingKDE.
After installing Cygwin with the necessary KDE packages (there's even one just forkonsole), I needed to create a new slightly modified konsole launch batch file. My currentcygwin installation is in D:\cygwin, so adjust your paths accordingly.
@echo off
chdir D:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin
start /MIN startxwin.bat
run D:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --login -I -c /usr/bin/konsole
As an additional note, I found it necessary to comment out one line in thestartxwin.bat file. For some reason, it launches bash in an xterm by default. I simplyadded REM in front of the bash launch so that it was no longer run. Once that was done, Iwas able to simply double click the batch file or a link to it and have konsole open inits own window as I had become accustomed to.
In some cases I find that I just don't have the patience to wait for Konsole to launch,or I just need a single terminal for a quick task. In those cases I prefer to usePuTTYcyg. PuTTYcyg simply allowsPuTTY to act as a local terminal for cygwin. You'll need to set up a saved session in PuTTYcyg called "local" with the hostname set to "-" and the port set as"1". Then you can create a batch file that launches PuTTYcyg with the localsettings. Assuming you have PuTTYcyg installed in D:\putty-bin:
cd D:\putty-bin
start /MIN putty.exe -load local
Hope this helps!