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Foobar Chronflow Cover Display Configuration 1

ForceCore 2008. 4. 19. 09:10


무지무지 빠르다. 몇 개 밖에 화면에 안 보이기 때문.

이것을 조정하면 몇 개 그려지는지 조정 가능하다.

function drawCovers(){
   return new Array(-5, 5);


// General Notes:
// Most of these functions return an array with 3 elements
// These are the x,y,z coordinates in 3d-space
// x is left to right
// y is bottom to top
// z is front to back

/************************* COVER DISPLAY *****************/
// These functions define the Display of the single Covers
// The given parameter coverId is a floating point number.
// It is 0 for the center cover, 1 for the one right
// beneath it, -1 for the one on the left side and so on.
// During movement the values float between the integer
// values.
function coverPosition(coverId){
   var x, y, z;
   y = 0;
   if (Math.abs(coverId) <= 1){ // The centered cover
      z = 1 + 3 * (1 - Math.abs(coverId));
      x = coverId;
   } else { // The covers on the side
      z = 1 + (Math.abs(coverId)-1) * 1;
      x = 1 + 0.5 * (Math.abs(coverId)-1);
      if (coverId < 0)
         x *= -1;
   return new Array(x, y, z);
// return array is (angle, x, ,y, z) - this rotates
// the cover *angle* degrees around the vector (x,y,z)
// With (0,0,0,0) the cover is parallel to the y-z-Plane
function coverRotation(coverId){
   var angle;
   if (Math.abs(coverId) < 1){ // The centered cover
      angle = coverId * -70;
   } else { // The covers on the side
      if (coverId > 0)
         angle = -70;
         angle = 70;
   return new Array(angle, 0, 1, 0);

// Sets which point of the cover coverPosition() defines
// (-1,-1) means bottom left, (0,0) means center,
// (1,1) means top right, (0, -1) means bottom center etc.
// The cover is also rotated around this point.
function coverAlign(coverId){
   return new Array(0, -1);

// Defines the the size boundaries for the cover.
// Aspect ratio is preserved.
// Return Array is (widht, height)
function coverSizeLimits(coverId){
   if (Math.abs(coverId) < 1){ // The centered cover
      var w, h;
      w = 1;
      h = 1;
      // Shrinks the centered cover to a height of 1
      if (Math.abs(coverId) > 0.5)
         h = 1 + (Math.abs(coverId) - 0.5)*2;
      // Allows the centered cover to have a width of 2.5;
      if (Math.abs(coverId) < 0.5)
         w = 1 + (0.5 - Math.abs(coverId))*3;
      return new Array(1.35, 1.35);
   } else { // The covers on the side
      return new Array(1, 2);

// Defines the range of covers to draw.
// Return array is (leftmostCover, rightmostCover)
// This interval shouldn't be larger than 80
// The center cover is 0.
function drawCovers(){
   return new Array(-5, 5);

// In which direction should the fov be expanded/shrinked
// when the panel is resized?
// If this returns (0,1), the height is fixed.
// If this returns (1,0), the width is fixed.
// You can also return stuff like (0.5,0.5) or (7, 3)
// The values determine how important it is for this
// dimension to stay fixed.
function aspectBehaviour(){
   return new Array(0,1);

/************************** CAMMERA SETUP ****************/
// Position of the viewport
function eyePos(){
    return new Array(0, 0.6, 6);
// Defines the point for the eye to look at
function lookAt(){
   return new Array(0, 0.6, 0);
// Used to rotate the view.
// The returned Vector points upwards in the viewport.
// This vector must not be parallel to the line of sight from the
// eyePos point to the lookAt point.
function upVector(){
   return new Array(0, 1, 0);  

/************************** MIRROR SETUP *****************/
function showMirrorPlane(){
   return true; // return false to hide the mirror
// Any Point on the Mirror Plane
function mirrorPoint (){
   return new Array(0, 0, 0);
// Normal of the Mirror Plane
function mirrorNormal (){
   return new Array(0, 1, 0);